Today is National Doughnut Day, and to commemorate this great holiday I’m going to let you in on my favorite San Diego doughnut shops. Yes, I realize that it is also cardiac health awareness month, but I figure with regular exercise and a mostly healthy rest of my diet the one free doughnut I eat today won’t put me in the ICU (hopefully).

In no particular order:
Donut Star, Mission Hills
This one tops my list mostly for nostalgic reasons since my husband used to live right by it while we were dating. This led to many late-night doughnut runs after concerts in North Park. Doughnut Star is great because their doughnuts are delicious, they’re open late, and they’re very low cost, which means that the dollar bills you have wadded up in your jeans from a night at the bar can probably buy you a dozen doughnuts. I’m a fan of their apple fritters, and I know my husband loves their strawberry crullers. Sweet, sweet memories.
Krispy Kreme, Clairemont
A natural contender. Krispy Kreme doughnuts are famous for their warm, out-of-the oven goodness and their light texture. They have a variety of flavors and also do seasonal doughnuts (try the pumpkin doughnuts in the fall, they’re amazing!).
Linda’s Donut Shop, Pacific Beach
Linda’s Donuts knows its audience. Open only mornings and late night, this doughnut haven caters to the college crowd recovering post-bar scene. I’ve seen these doughnuts bring even the most hungover college students back to life, and because of this have reason to believe that they are injected with some type of magic.
VG Donuts & Bakery, Encinitas
My amazing boss brought these doughnuts into work one day, and they were so memorable that I had to add them. They were so fresh that the next day they still tasted like they were fresh from the store. I especially loved the old-fashioned chocolate with sprinkles, and often contemplate making the drive up to Encinitas just to have another bite.
Those are my top doughnut picks, but there are still so many doughnut shops in San Diego that I haven’t tried. Due to the upcoming bikini season I don’t think I’m up for it right now, so if you have a favorite that wasn’t on here please let us know. Have a safe and happy National Doughnut Day!