San Diego’s famed Surf Diva Surf School is the world’s number one surf school for women and I was lucky enough to brave the waters during a one-hour lesson. For me, this was a major step. I know I live in San Diego where surfing is like a form of breathing, but I’m from Nor Cal where you just don’t go in the ocean, so this wasn’t something I was accustomed to.

I started out with a safety lesson and introduction to the board. Then, there was an on-land, or on-sand I should say, simulation of how to paddle, prep and pop into the perfect sideways stance for riding a wave into shore. Easy enough…
Then my instructor guided me out into the water (well, she actually pulled me out… thankfully), turned me around so I was facing the shore and held me in place until the perfect wave came along. Then I was off! Paddle, prep, pop… fall.
So, I never “hung ten” like I had hoped, or actually even stood up for more than ten seconds, but the experience was so fun and totally worth it.
I felt comfortable and safe learning in the gentle waters of La Jolla Shores and my instructor was so patient and really helpful. Next time I’ll have to try one of Surf Diva’s two-day weekend or five-day weeklong clinics…watch out Kelly Slater, here I come!
I highly recommend Surf Diva to anyone who’s up for a fun challenge, but there are a number of other surf opportunities in San Diego too.
Oh yeah, and while Surf Diva does promote “girl power,” men and boys are definitely welcomed to come out for private or co-ed lessons.