I”m back! In case you were wondering, my fish & chips lunch was delicious. And my people-watching session proved to be more fruitful than I expected! Through the magic of common begging — and with the help of a generous Comic-Con attendee — my boys and I were able to enter the Con and take a quick lap around the exhibit hall to see what we could see. (By the way, you haven”t truly experienced gridlock until you”ve attempted to push a stroller through Comic-Con on Saturday. My apologies to all the ankles I smashed yesterday.)

So you all know what Bat-, Spider- and Supermen look like. Here are a couple of my favorite creative best online casino efforts from this year.

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You ask me, this is the real Mardi Gras in San Diego. (I mean Samedi Gras.)
During my quick visit to the exhibit hall, I was reminded of another of Comic-Con”s attractions — the art! There are rows upon rows of artists displaying their work and even creating new, original sketches for fans before their very eyes. This is, after all, what it”s all about. These are the guys and gals who inspire the madness we see every year downtown in the first place. I was happy to find at least one artist I recognized, in action (pictured below). Maybe next year, I”ll go to the Con dressed as him.
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Hurry! There are precious few hours left in which to get your superpeople-watching on!
“Nuff said.