The weather is heating up, and one of the surest ways to cool down is a nice cold slurpee. You know, the iconic iced beverages at 7-11 that have names like Mutant Berry, Radiation Rush, and Slurpurita Pomegranite? Well tomorrow is July 11 (or 7/11) which means National Free Slurpee Day! Most local San Diego 7-11’s are offering free slurpees and discounted snacks tomorrow until 11 p.m. There’s even a 7/11 Slurpee Pub Crawl happening tomorrow that will hit up 11 free slurpee spots via party bus.

My personal (and probably boring) favorite happens to be the Diet Pepsi Slurpee. What could be better than a thirst-quenching Diet Pepsi in ice-slushy form? I’m already imagining myself on the beach tomorrow with my 75 SPF in one hand and my free giant Diet Pepsi slurpee in the other. Or maybe I’ll be adventurous and mix all the flavors together (a.k.a. The Suicide) and head to the Over-The-Line Tournament in Mission Bay. Either way, I’ve got a fever, and the only cure for it is Free Slurpee Day.