The San Diego Zoo will be going crazy for cuties from down under during Koalapalooza this Friday through next Monday, Jan. 15 to 18.
The four-day event will celebrate the loveable Aussie creatures and give guests the chance to meet the Zoo’s koala keepers, have a close encounter with the animals outside of their usual habitat at the Zoo and participate in an Aussie-themed scavenger hunts around the Zoo. There will also be opportunities to learn about animals that live in the wild with koalas, including kookaburras and kangaroos.
Why all the fuss?
The San Diego Zoo has the largest colony of koalas outside of Australia – and it’s growing. During Koalapalooza, guests will be able to cast their vote in a name-the-joey contest for a female koala born in May 2009.
The koala celebration will be the first of the 2010 Zoo Discovery Days, a series of three four-day themed events. Look forward to Reptilemania in September and Festival of Flight in November.