In San Diego and need a set of wheels for a quick run to a Balboa Park museum, or a hot new food truck – or simply to study the sunset at the beach? How about a car you can rent by the hour, park for free, drop off almost anywhere and don’t need to gas up?
Car2Go may be your answer. It offers a fleet of 300 two-passenger electric Smart cars that users can keep only as long as needed – then drop off pretty much in any legal parking spot within the Car2Go service area.
That area spans nearly 30 square miles in the heart of San Diego, stretching from Imperial Avenue on the South to Friars Road and Beryl Street in Pacific Beach in the North and from I-15 in the east. Users can drive outside the service area, but can’t end the rental there.

To play, you’ll need to become a Car2go member. Join online or at Car2go’s San Diego shop at 633 9th St. in East Village. There’s a one-time $35 registration fee (look for discount codes online). You’ll get your membership card in about five business days – so be sure to pre-register if you want to get going sooner rather than later.
Rental rates are 35 cents a minute, with a $12.99 per-hour maximum and $65.99 daily max. Rates include insurance, GPS navigation, 24/7 customer support and recharging at approved Electric Vehicle charging stations.

Users can reserve a car 24 hours in advance or check the Car2go website for the nearest available car and agree to use it within 15 minutes. (You’ll get a text confirming the location and providing the car’s license plate number.) Hold your membership card up to an electronic reader on the windshield to unlock the car. Enter your PIN on the touch screen, answer a few questions – and you’re off.
When you’re done driving, park in any legal public parking space within the service area (metered parking is free) and once you have everything from the car, wave your membership card in front of the card reader on the windshield. The doors will lock and you are good to go.
Make sure to register now so you can Car2Go and explore San Diego.