Head to La Jolla Shores for a dive along the wall of La Jolla Canyon and witness the abundance of sea life unlike any other place in California. Add to that the constant reshaping of the canyon wall by the ocean and you have a fascinating area to dive whether you dive it once or several thousand times.
Below are a few highlights under the water of La Jolla Shores.
The Amphitheater
Depending on where you enter the water, you can dive a site known locally as the Amphitheatre, where you’ll find a sheer, semi-circle wall that descends from approximately 60 feet down to a depth of 110 feet or thereabouts.
South Wall
At the South Wall, you’ll find tiny Red Octopus, holes filled with lobsters so thick they’re stacked on top of one another, and yellow and white Gorgonian Sea Fans.
Vallecitos Point
Vallecitos Point, a popular destination directly out from the entry point at the foot of Vallecitos Street, teams with marine life including San Diego Dorids, Salted Dorids and other Nudibranchs, Sarcastic Fringeheads, Blue Banded and Black Eyed Gobies, Barred Sand Bass, Painted Greenlings and the occasional Sheephead.
The Secret Garden
For those possessing an Advanced Open Water diver certification or higher, there is the not so ‘Secret Garden‘ rich with Red Gorgonians.
> Explore More Diving Areas at SanDiego.org
Have you been down the wall in La Jolla Canyon? If not, where is your favorite place to dive in San Diego?